Thursday, February 28, 2013

Board contact details and Canyons office hours

Okay, this information is on the Canyons web-site but lots of email is coming in asking who to contact to actually affect change, so here it is, right here. No digging required.

Remove the (at) and replace it with @ to email. Simply modified the posted email addresses as a courtesy to avoid spam spider attacks on our Board members.

Mark Osowski - President
marko (at)

Garry Helgeson - Vice President
garryh (at)

Barbara Ravitz - Secretary
barbarar (at)

Ilse Baccus - Treasurer
ilseb (at)

Jon Anderson - Member at large
jona (at)

Address of the Canyons office where all the records are supposedly kept is:

26455 Rockwell Canyons Road
Santa Clarita, CA. 91355

Office hours: 4-6PM weekdays.

Phone: 661-362-3210

Demand change.

Canyons Informer


  1. Shows how sad and lazy we're as parents if we're asking this blogger where to find this info if it is already posted. But nice to have it out in the open and easy to access. Thanks.

  2. Whoever created this blog is not simply a "blogger." He or she is a hero and a leader. Thank you!

  3. The board needs to come out of hiding and call a parent, coach, & Board member meeting to address the concerns of the blog postings. If this does not happen within the next few days, we as parents, need to contact Mark Osowski and ask for a meeting. I'm sure that the Board & coaches are monitoring this blog and know about the numerous concerns of the parents.

  4. Sadly the issues presented here have been present for numerous years. There are many secrets and covert actions that have been allowed to continue without repercussion. I hope for the sake of our kids past, present and future that our voices will be heard, that said. Board members please open your eyes for without happy parents and happy swimmers a swim team doesn't exist. The fragile ground has cracks from the top down and no foundation has every been able to withstand a top-heavy system.

  5. I have emailed the board. Each and every member. Below is what I asked them.
    Dear Board Members,

    I am a concerned parent who's considering enrolling both my children 8 and 10 in your Canyons swim program. My earnest question to you has to do with your current I.R.S. audit.

    What is the status of that? And was it caused by some misdeeds of current or past staff? If it was caused by staff, has that person been removed?

    That you for your time. And I look forward to helping your program succeed in anyway I can.

    Warmest regards,

    As a non-profit serving the surrounding community they are required by law to make this situation known if somebody formally asks about it.

    So I asked. And will report back with what they said.


    1. Jeff, did you every hear back? Or did Canyons hit you with the silent treatment?

    2. +1 would like to know.

  6. Finally. Okay, let's NOT leave Jeff out in the cold. Somebody was brave enough to use their real name and email the Board Members directly.

    Now everyone follow suit. Let's back another parent up. A simple email from each and every parent that reads this blog will do the job. They will have to respond. I'm emailing right now too.

    Come on people this won't change unless we follow suit!

    If you don't act, it will be your kid that suffers!

    And I believe we are better parents than that!

  7. Reading this on my iPhone while stuck in traffic... will email when I get home into SCV. Come on parents. Now is the time to act.

  8. If the board has financial issues they should respond to this asap.

    Simply google "FinCEN" it's the tool used by law enforcement to effectively profile individuals and organizations involved in any nefarious financial activity.

    Ever since 9-11 practically all transactions are available to be profiled and analyzed very quickly. Reason being, a lot of non-profits have been havens for terrorist activity in the past.

    Of course Canyons isn't guilty of that. But at the very least they are wide open to intense scrutiny beyond the scope of this missive.

    And an I.R.S. audit could just be the beginning of that end.

    Seeing Canyons is a high profile and visible target, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if some law enforcement Agency raids the offices of Canyons in the near future.

    It would be a great notch on the belt of an aspiring investigator for any Agency to take down a non-profit suspected of a coverup or other financial issues.


      And that doesn't even scratch the surface of what this tool is capable of unearthing in the hands of a skilled and motivated investigator. They'll find out if you dropped a quarter in gumball machine. Everything is trackable nowadays.

    2. Here come the black helicopters....get your tin foil hats on!

  9. What have you been smoking? Nobody is going to raid Canyons. Maybe the parents if the Board doesn't respond but that is about it. They most likely have a simply I.R.S. audit and some money missing. Terrible yes. Criminal, I doubt it.

  10. NO. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKIN? Since when is an I.R.S. audit and missing money nothing to worry about?????

  11. If the Board doesn't respond by the end of today and call a meeting it is time for us to bring in outside agencies that will force them to respond!

    Dear Board. Your time is up!

  12. A good place to start is requesting an audit by an accounting firm that has experience with non-profits.

    Some resources:

    "Nonprofit organizations must constantly demonstrate where they receive money from, where those funds go and what percentage is used for charitable work... most organizations require audits in their bylaws. The annual audit is an essential component for closing the fiscal year and showing that the nonprofit spent the donated money according to the mission of the organization"

  13. But at anytime we can request an audit? Or do we have to wait till the end of the year? And what about a board meeting?

    The Bylaws are kinda vague about how we force that to occur.

    I have heard a petition signed by 5 percent of a quorum (minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly) for any organization forces a board meeting. Is that a fact?

    If so that could happen very quickly.

  14. You do not need to force a Board Meeting. The Board meets monthly and they welcome any member to attend. Just check with a Board member for the time and location of the next meeting.

  15. Board meeting agendas are required to be published and posted prior to the meeting. Check Roberts Rules of Order

  16. Interesting that their is a "seasonal" parent meeting this coming Saturday.............we have the blog to thank for that. Hopefully, a Board member will be present to answer to some of the concerns, I am looking forward to hearing from the coaches & the parents. Candid questions should be asked...........we are all adults and need to come out of the shadows.

    1. That's great news! I'll be there! Let's all spread the word!

    2. Nothing is listed on the Canyons webs-site... What time is the meeting taking place? Is it at COC? Do they remember that there is a High School meet this Saturday. Pretty slick if they planned the meeting on purpose, so less parents are able to attend.

  17. No mention on the Club website about the meeting? Seriously? Another example of a dysfunctional team and poor leadership. Communication is one of the hallmarks of effective leadership, obviously absent in the board and head coach.

    1. Everybody needs to call the office and flood them with calls and get them to post it on the website!

  18. Heard some rumblings about a "seasonal" parent meeting happening today. Is this really going to happen?

    If so please post details. Thanks.

    1. I am wondering this too... was it canceled because of the High School meet at SCAC?

      I hope not. This meeting must happen!

  19. Are all the key players going to be at this meeting?

  20. Why hasn't Canyons posted anything? Is it an underground parent uprising, or is it an official Board and parent meeting?

  21. My. Interest has been perked regarding the financial shape of this club. As a non-profit club thier financial records are public, this includes tax records. If you go to and search for Canyons Aquatics, you will find their filed 990 forms for the years, 2009, 2010, 2011. Sign up for free and you can review these forms.

    Read these and a whole new group of questions comes up... $9,569 for "fraudulent charges? What is that,who did it, and why aren't they in jail?

    In 2011 (for 2010) the teams income was reported in excess of $782,000, and we still ended up $11,000 in the red. How is that possible? I keep hearing it's the pool rental that is killing us, but it was "only" $185,292.

    At over 3/4 of a million dollars, (and this from 2010), this club is taking in some serious money. It's our responsibility, as parents, to ask questions , and make sure the best, most qualified people are running the program. This includes coaches, staff and board members.

    I personally think we have a great coaching staff, but their hands are tied by the amount of kids they have in each group. How can we expect them to give personal attention to our kids when the are 49 other kids in the pool with them? They just can't. We need our board and coaches to figure out a way to get the coach-swimmer ratio down to a workable and safe level. If not we, as parents, have the option to stand up and demand a change or sit back and quit complaining. I hope that this whole "board" inspires, as opposed to excites, people to get involved.

  22. It does say $9,569 for "fraudulent charges" and that is nothing to sneeze at. Why wasn't a board meeting called for this to be addressed.
