Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A friendly reminder defining what this blog is all about...

This blog is about having a forum where important issues regarding Canyons Swim can surface and be discussed without fear of retribution on you as a parent or on you as a swimmer.

Your club is not going to simply vanish and disappear.

Changes will occur, and it will make the club a better place to swim. But for those of you who are fearful you will lose an important part of your life. You are sadly mistaken. You will not.

Things will only get better.

Secrets breed disease and abuse.

These secrets need to come out, the dirt needs to be washed clean, the wound needs to be cared to before we can apply the needed antiseptic and gaze that will allow it to heal.

Let me say that again... your club will not vanish or disappear.

Your club will only become a stronger place, and a better place to swim.

And the moment you let irrational FEAR dictate how you live your life. You're living life as a victim.

So let's all get back to making Canyons Swim the best it can be.

Canyons Informer


  1. Nice post, Informer. I believe our new head coach Coley has the corner on the secret market. I bet lots of parents might not be so upset about the swimmers from other countries if it was allowed to be voted on by every Canyons parent. And if it passed, so be it. Majority rule. It's called a democracy.

    The fact he didn't allow that, or even make a press release about it regardless if he got it approved or not simply shows he wants to find talent anyway he can, instead of developing the talent right in front of him.

    That is against the By Laws of the club.

    That's beyond self serving.

    Not everybody is going find the next Phelps or Franklin and for sure Coley is no Bob Bowman.

    Thing is, Bob Bowman found his talent stateside and developed it here in the U.S.A.

    He didn't pull it from other areas of the world.

    Bowman was a patriot.

    Coley is the equivalent of the greedy self serving CEO shipping our jobs overseas to China for short term gain that will for sure come back and hurt the U.S.A. later down the road.

    If we decide to keep coach Coley, we need someone to police his every move.

    Maybe take a cue from the NFL.

    Have some real head office management that all the coaches have to answer might be the only solution.

    Keep the blog going. A groundswell of support is brewing. Cheers!

  2. But it's not simply a coaching issue. It's more than that. It's a coaching and a management issue.

    The solution is so simple. Somebody stated it before but didn't get it all. They only got the first part.

    It comes down to two words.


    If we get those two things back, the club will pretty much run itself if we stay involved as parents.

    Right now we have neither.


    There it is. We can do it.

  4. I feel like the coaches are trying to mask whatever is going on. They told us/clearly want no further discussion on this topic. We can't let that happen.
